2 Oct 2008


Orgasm was shown in The Kinsey Institute’s 2009 Juried Art Show, adjudicated by Jennifer Cahn, currently curator for the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art.  The exhibition was held at the School of Fine Arts Gallery at Indiana University in Bloomington, and appeared in that year’s virtual exhibit on the Institute’s website.  Both Orgasm and Silky are in the permanent art collection of The Kinsey Institute.


17 ½ x 18 x 14”
silk, rope, copper thread, wire and tubing
The Kinsey Institute Permanent Art Collection



6 ½ x 16 x  10”
mixed fabrics, rope, copper wire, viola strings, brass pins, wooden base
The Kinsey Institute Permanent Art Collection

Pierre a l'eau

Pierre à l’eau

11 cm x 10 ½ cm x 6 ½ cm
Unknown fiber, pearl beads, steel armature and wire, viola string, and stone base
Hilda Nantais Collection

The Egg in Me

The Egg in Me was in the exhibition, “In Your Dreams”, an all media show sponsored by Pen and Brush, held in New York City during the month of April 2009. 

This exhibition was curated by Edward Sullivan, Professor of Art History (Institute of Fine Arts and Department of Art History) and Dean for the Humanities at New York University.

The Egg in Me
13 x 18 x 13”
silk, rope and piping, pearl beads, copper and steel wire, copper tubing, viola strings, glass base


Universe was in the Textile Study Group of New York’s exhibition, “Economies of Scale” held in New York City in January 2009.  The exhibition was juried by Lewis Knauss, exhibiting artist and textile art professor at Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia. 

4 ½  x 31/2 x 4 ½”
silk, cotton, unknown fiber, pearl and glass beads, steel armature and wire, copper wire and viola strings
Louise Forsyth Collection

About Me

My photo
After many years of experimentation with different techniques using rope, thread and fabric, I now work in a medium which perfectly suits my concept of sensuality and my ideas on the mystery of life as seen from a completely female angle. Working with textiles is sensual in its own right, the fabrics are pliable according to their many different textures, and a delight to the eye. My work mainly explores sex and reproduction, which might fairly be called the major obsession of all living creatures on earth, and I include the intangible concept of love, the principal obsession of human beings.